この記事では、 "English with Lucy" というYouTubeチャンネルの “50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture” という動画をもとに、
- “50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture”― English with Lucy
- イギリスと日本の共通点
- イギリス特有の文化・生活
- おわりに
“50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture”― English with Lucy
50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture
English with Lucyのチャンネル登録者数:474万人(2020年9月現在)
3: 順番を守る【Queues】
“Queues are incredibly important to us. If you push into a queue, if you queue-jump, you will be universally hated in Britain.”
それにしても最後、ちょっと言葉遊びみたいになっていて面白いですよね。Lucyさんも “Hahahaha. Doesn’t make sense.” って自分でツッコんでいました。
4:【 “Please” “Sorry” “Thank you” 】
“Please, sorry and thank you basically dominate all of our social interactions.
It’s so ingrained into our brains that we often bump into things and then apologise to the inanimate object.”
「ありがとうございます」「すみません」「お願いします」が言えない人はイギリスでも ✖
11: お家に呼ばれたときのマナー【Home Party】
“If you are invited to the home of a British person, if they are providing a meal or a party for you, then you are sort of expected to bring some sort of gift. Normally a bottle of wine, some flowers or chocolates.
If you don’t bring a gift, we wouldn’t say anything about it, but we would silently judge you.”
“silently judge you” というところまで一緒で笑ってしまいました。
22: 夕食【Dinner】
“Dinner is often our biggest meal of the day, I’m talking about evening dinner.
We have a fairy heavy breakfast, a light lunch and then a heavy dinner. And we normally have breakfast between 7 and 8, lunch between 12 and 1, and dinner between 6 and 7.”
25: エレベーターでの立ち位置【Lift/ Escalator】
“We care a lot about where you stand on an escalator, and we will tut and shake our heads if you stand in the wrong place, and I always see tourists do this.
You have to stand on the right and you have to leave enough room for busy rushy people to overtake you. Otherwise, they won’t say anything but they’ll stand there and tut and maybe even say “Excuse me, excuse me!” Just be prepared.”
Lucyさんの “Excuse me, excuse me!” の言い方がツボです。
36: 大学の学費【University fees】
“Our university fees are high. Very very high.
For U.K. residents, nine grand a year, grand is pounds, thousand pounds, 9,000 pounds a year, and for international students, it can be much much higher.”
(£1≒¥135 で換算した場合、£9,000 ≒ 121万円)
41: ご近所付き合い【Neighbours】
“If we live in a city, we tend to totally mind our own business. We don’t talk to our neighbours. We maybe stretch to a hello sometimes. And you really don’t get to know people outside of your own friends group and your social activities and work.
In a village however, it’s completely different and you have quite a hard time protecting your business. If you tell a secret to someone, the whole village will know.”
ちなみにLucyさんは Milton Keynes(ロンドン北西約80キロにあるタウン)出身で、現在は旦那さんと一緒にファーム生活をされています。
46: 遠回しな表現【Indirect】
“We’re very indirect. Instead of saying, “I don’t like it.” we would say “Well, I don’t hate it.” or “It’s not my cup of tea.”
Yeah, we just hate being straight to the point. We don’t like offending people. But, it can be very very confusing for people who aren’t from here.”
9: ユーモアのセンス【Humour】
“Our humour can be quite difficult to understand. We love sarcasm, we have quite dark sense of humour. We can be quite dry, so we can say things without smiling.
I love British sense of humour, but it can offend people sometimes.”
29: カーペット【Carpets】
“Carpets are a key feature in our houses, and I’m not sure how I feel about this. Carpets in a bedroom, okay, but in a lot of old-fashioned houses, we have carpets in the bathroom which I don’t think is hygienic, and it shocks quite a lot of people when they come over here.
We also have carpets on the stairs, which are really really hard to clean.”
32: 蛇口【taps/ faucets】
“We often have separate taps, or faucets as you might call them, for hot and cold water especially in old-fashioned houses.
I’ve always grown up with having to choose between boiling hot water on my face, or freezing cold water on my face, and just thinking why can’t we just mix them.
We do have mixer taps now, but it was something to do with the tanks that stored hot water. They couldn’t legally be mixed with drinking water hence why hot in one, cold drinking water in another.”
28: 冬の日照時間の短さ【Sunlight in Winter】
“Our winters are really dark. In the peak of winter, the sun doesn’t come up till past 9, and it goes down just after 3.
It means you can go into the office and leave the office without seeing sunlight. It is really quite intense.”
6: 晴れの日は寒くても薄着【Dress lightly】
“When the sun comes out because it doesn’t come out so often, we make the most of it. In 15 degree heat we will wear sandals, mini-skirts, strappy tops, bikinis, and we will get very very sunburned as well.
The day after a sunny day, everyone is red. It’s terrible.”
50: 【British girl underdress】
“Women seriously underdress for the weather or nights out. On New Year’s Eve, you will see women in like bikini tops and tiny dresses, bare legs, strappy heels.
But, they don’t necessarily get cold and this is a phenomenon we like to call the beer blanket. Once you have enough beer in you, you can’t feel the cold.”
“beer blanket” ってほんとに~!? ってツッコミたくなりますよね。
私もErikaとNew Year’s Eveにお出かけしたのですが、みんなコートも着ずに見るからに寒そうな格好で歩き回っていました。
氷点下近い気温の中、真夏のような恰好ではしゃいでいるイギリス人の女の子を見るたびに「crazy だね」って話していました。
私と同い年のイギリス人ハウスメイトの女の子も "crazy" と言っていたので、私たちと同じ感覚の人ももちろんいます。
Lucy Bellaというプライベートアカウントでもチャンネル登録者数 12万3千人を超えるフォロワーさんがいます。(2020年9月現在)
You Tube を休止されていた時期があり、そのことに対しての謝罪の動画を約1か月前、2020/08/28に投稿されていました。( “Why I left YouTube: explaining everything” )
最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございましたʕ·ᴥ·ʔ ♡︎⋈*。゚
応援していただけると励みになります 。